Hinoki Artificial Intelligence Robot
All Articles, Musio🇺🇸

Our LIMITED EDITION Hinoki Musio for Sale

Good news! Our LIMITED EDITION Hinoki Musio that was featured in Japan can be pre-ordered EXCLUSIVELY on Makuake! We have a stand at the Isetan Shinjuku Store, on the second floor in the main building. The Hinoki Musio is made from the highest quality Hinoki wood in Japan. With it’s natural wood properties, it has the effects of releasing phytoncides that has an anti-bacterial and a natural air purification effect. Enjoy the the sleek texture of the Hinoki wood in your living space.


Musio is equipped with Artificial Intelligence, he learns using deep learning algorithms and capable of natural language processing. All pre-orders of the Hinoki Musio will be delivered by an AKA employee directly to you in person (Only in Japan)! This Musio can be engraved with your name or initials. It’s a special Musio just for you.

There are only 20 of them available and sold exclusively in Japan. Musio has attracted a lot of attention and we had amazing feedback from people who were present at the premier.


On Makuake, we are also offering a “Limited Makuake Miniature Musio” which also shares the cute design Musio is known for. The size of this little Musio is one-third of the full sized Robot. It has a button on the back and when it’s pressed, Musio talks and flashes lights. The sounds are pre-recorded and does not have Artificial Intelligence like the full sized Musio. This is the first series of the miniature Musio series. Future miniature models will also incorporate Earthquake alerts, Humidity, Weather information and more.


Here’s the specifications of both Musio models.


Still reading? Go and pre-order a Musio on Makuake today!

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