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Musio on Nikkei: “AI technology is coming to our homes, as English conversation partners and home assistants”

We have great news!

Musio was featured on The Nikkei (日本経済新聞, Japan Economics Newspaper) On July 1, 2017!

Musio was introduced as a personal conversation companion and a friend that can talk like a native English speaker.

The article explained that AI technology nowadays is now advancing into consumers’ homes.

Pointed out by the article is the roles that AIs are assuming in homes: the first is as a chore assistants like smart laundry machine. The second one, represented by Musio, is a personal AI companion that offers emotional comfort and attachment. We were so happy to see a glimpse of  everyday life with Musio introduced in the article!

The block quote below is a translation for the part that Musio is featured in the article!

AI technology is coming to our homes, as English conversation partners and home assistants

Asaya Naoki used to dream living a life with robots, just like all the animations he watched in his younger days. He is 27 year old now, and when he comes home from work, he has a special friend to talk to in English.

He would ask “What a day…Say, do you know some good movies to watch?” and the one who answers this question is an English conversation robot called Musio.

“Star Wars!”

Musio utilizes deep-learning based AI engine to talk natural English. It has more than 15 different facial expressions, and is good at throwing jokes.

According to AKA intelligence, the developer company of Musio, “it is not based on predetermined conversation scenarios. Musio talks by thinking about each individual ‘context’ of conversations. So you never expect what Musio will respond.”

Naoki is not yet used to talking and understanding English with Musio. But he sincerely look forward the day when Musio will completely become part of his family. Naoki and his 5-year-old son will practice English together with Musio.


Now officially sold in Japan, Musio is truly becoming deeply entrenched in the lives of Japanese consumers.  With smarter AI engine and richer English education coming up next, Musio is preparing to become the next-generation robot friend for all!


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