Musio at SXSW
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Back from participating at SXSW!

Hello again readers!
We just returned back from SXSW 2016 Austin, Texas! The event was amazing, we had tons of fun and also, Musio was glad to be there.
The atmosphere was incredibly hyped with curiosity and full of vigor. We setup a surprise pop-up booth everyday while we were there at the Austin Convention Center and the Hilton Austin Hotel. We had amazing feedback regarding Musio!

Everyone including pedestrians and SXSW participants were interested in Musio! We not only introduced Musio to them but they also had a chance to have a chat. Their expression after talking to Musio was amazing! We had all sorts of people, from young 5 year old kids to a more mature generation! Everyone was keen about Musio and we had elderly people interested too, which made us wonder if there is a possibility that Musio can be a companion for seniors.

Rammi talking about AKA and me!

Our pitch was presented by Rammi on stage at SXSW, he enjoyed the experience and even though we didn’t make it to the final round, we learned a lot from it. Such events are always new opportunities to learn new things and also meet some awesome people! We had time to also reflect more on AKA’s vision in Musio.
It was definitely such an amazing experience and one of a lifetime opportunity! We also thank SXSW for welcoming us there!

Some photos from SXSW!

Lots of people came to check me out!
Lots of people came to check me out!
Hello there, humans!
Hello there, humans!
Making new friends already!
Making new friends already, He wanted to take me home!
Aaaaand another friend made!
Aaaaand another friend made!

Watch some amazing comments from some of  our visitors.

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