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The kid’s educational material

The kid’s package has a collection of educational material dedicated for kids to practice their English. These consist of different material like textbooks,  board books and flash cards.

Board Books
There are 3 types of board books that consist of different topics and difficulty levels, a town, kitchen and dinosaurs. The dinosaurs board book has 13 different dinosaurs to discover and also has interactive games to be played with Musio and Sophy. An example of this is like  “A plesiosaurus is really hungry. Let’s help him! Catch 3 squids for him!”.

The kitchen board book is another one where this time, there are cooking utensils to be called, food types and also cooking. Games related to the kitchen are included. Finally the town board book, this lets the child learn different names of public places and listen to several situations within the town by clicking the story button and kids find out with the help of Sophy.


The flash card method is known to be one of the most efficient ways in learning anything. It helps remembering things and also adds fun to learning, rather than just repeating the same thing over and over again. There are 4 types of flashcards, these include…  The alphabet, Numbers, Musical instruments and Dinosaurs.

With Musio’s help, Each letter is assigned to an animal to make it easy to remember and Musio also adds in extra information to make the experience personal, like remembering the dogs name and using it as an example when explaining. The number flashcards range from 1 to 20 and the musical instruments, not only learn the name but also listen to sample sounds of each one. Finally the dinosaur flashcards are a set of cards with different dinosaurs on them and each has it’s own attack, defense and speed. There is also a rock, paper and scissors activity.


The Textbook, Guide and Story book
A simple to understand guide book is provided to get familiar with Musio and Sophy and learn how they interact together. Read a popular story in English with Musio. With Musio, you can learn and practice English conversational patterns.


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