Musio App
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The Kids Mobile App for Musio

The Musio kids app is a state of the art mobile application that is there for you and your child. Through the app, there are real-time updates to find out the child’s study progress with Musio.

Musio Application
“Check out your childs’ progress with Musio, the smart AI robot, in real-time.”

There are various functionalities within the mobile app, which includes:

English Score, this converts the conversational information between your child and Musio into easy to read info statistics and display graphical information like monthly score ratings, daily, weekly, monthly and yearly progress. You can also see the current day’s base vocabulary and sentences used by your child with Musio.

Another great feature is to see how well your child can pronounce various words in English. Based on their performance,  it shows a score and various graphical information.

Study time can also be displayed, this shows the total time spent studying with the exclusive Musio tutor textbook. All previous study results will be shown so that you can compare the child’s progress. Vocabulary test results are also shown in a graphical manner.

Musio, the artificial intelligence robot is required to use the application. The application will be available initially for iOS and will be released at a later stage for Android. Musio works independently and can be used without the app.

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