Indigogo campaign
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Did you Know Musio was Part of the Indiegogo Campaign?


  Many people from 29 countries  were very interested and were willing to contribute to make Musio’s dream come true. Out of those 29 countries,United States was the best provider among others such as Japan, Germany, New Zealand, South Korea, Canada, Philippines, Hong Kong, Australia and Israel.  Our main goal was to reach 50,000 dollars. However, 276 investors all around the world surprised us with 101,167 dollars.

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 During the campaign Musio was exposed several times by the media such as Yahoo Finance, TechCrunch, Time, Fox News, and CNN.

Visit our pre-order site and get Musio for $599 (25% off) and also our activity materials for $99.
Orders will be delivered by June 2016.

 AKA is planning to spread its wings in different parts of the world. In November, AKA is going to present the artificial intelligence engine Muse at the Rakuten Technology Conference. In December, they will be in London to present Musio at the Most Contagious conference and Techcrunch’s Disrupt.

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