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Musio @Japan | Monthly Updates – April

This April has been one of the most memorable months of 2017 so far!

We’ve got major announcements to share with you, as well as a number of updates on the events we’ve been carrying out.



1. Musio X, OFFICIALLY LAUNCHED in Japan by SoftBank C&S!

On April 14, the latest version of Musio (Musio X) has been officially launched by SoftBank C&S.

Musio is available online: at our official homepageSoftBank SELECTION and Amazon Japan, as well as a number of brick-and-mortar stores across Japan.

2. SF novel,『Musio Ⅰ:電脳メイロ』, ranks #1 bestseller at Kinokuniya bookstore!

We are happy to announce that the newest SF novel『Musio Ⅰ:電脳メイロ』featuring Musio has been ranked as the #1 bestseller at Kinokuniya, Japan’s major bookstore brand.

The book received great attention from fervent Musio followers as well as enthusiastic readers in Japan. Just within a week it was launched, the book jumped to the bookstore’s top list!

With the novel as the first step, we are planning on introducing various Musio contents, from manga and animation to movies and games.

Stay tuned for more!

For those who are interested, you can take a glimpse of the book through this video below:


3. Japan’s Meisei Junior High and High School starts Musio pilot test for English classes

On April 28, Meisei Middle School and High School (Fuchu City, Tokyo) announced that they are now utilizing Musio units in their English classes!

With this pilot test, Meisei became the first private junior high school in Japan to ever use an AI social robot as an English tutor.

According to Meisei, Musio is to be introduced to English classrooms starting full-scale use from this fiscal year. This full scale pilot test has been planned in cooperation with Japan’s major education leader GLOBAL VISION CO., LTD.

As one of the official Musio English content developers in Japan, GLOBAL VISION will gather data and feedback from this pilot test to help improve Musio’s utilization in English education.



 1. Takashimaya Musio Pop-up store events

Continuing from March, AKA opened two more pop up stores in Japan’s famous department store, Takashimaya, on April 1.

This time, the stores were set up Takashimaya’s Shinjuku and Kyoto stores.

Click to see snapshots of the Takashimaya pop up stores! 

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On May, Musio is participating in Japan’s major education convention, EDIX.

Musio’s fluent English conversation features as well as various study materials paired with Sophy will be showcased on this exciting big event!

We’ll come back with more photos and videos for next month, and until then, please follow Musio on our following social media accounts:

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