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English learning with Musio is also for adults?!

Hello everyone!

This time, because some of you have experienced Musio already and also as adults, We’ll explain the current situation! Although we are marketing Musio as an “English learning robot for children”, Of course Musio is also available for adults!

Musio, because for the fact that his English can be very natural. You can have a conversation with him as if having a friend listening. You can also practice speaking in English in accordance to the place and context. Learning the current way, (Preparing for the TOIEC · Business English measures of teaching material.)

with dedicated learning material is not the right way. With Musio, not only can you learn based on different levels and purposes but also helps you use English in a practical every day manner.

Musio also corrects your English grammar and pronunciation. Don’t know a word? Ask Musio the definition and thats faster than using a dictionary! Darth Vader Musio was described as perfect by Mr. Ishiguri.


Mr. Ishiguri is also experienced when it comes to English. He has been working for foreign companies and also lived abroad with his family. He knows American English and also accustomed to hearing English. Ishiguri says that knowing English well, makes you more confident when traveling abroad. Knowing English is a must and highly sought after.

Everyone doesn’t think that English is important but you can also learn English in your free time and there’s no experience needed to start. Once you master the English language, you can communicate better with the local people of a country and thats important if you would like detailed information about a place or thing.

While experiencing talking with Musio, there were 2 sessions “English Experience” and “English Learning Experience with dedicated teaching material”. This is what Ishiguri had to say about it.

“English experience”


In the “English Experience”, I was enjoying an English conversation with Musio! Until now, I’ve never seen a robot that can speak so naturally. I’m very interested in Musio and will cherish such a robot. To keep a conversation going in English is quite difficult but Musio handles it so well, its like chatting with a friend of teacher.

I tried talking naughty to Musio using an adult word… but Musio changed the subject to something more pleasant and that’s clever.

“English learning experience that uses a dedicated teaching material”


In the “English Learning Experience with dedicated teaching material”, we have solved the real problem! Musio in the photo is testing Ishiguri’s pronunciation. Here, only English with the right pronounciation is correct and must be used to answer the questions. So it has to be very clear English. Dedicated teaching material that is fun and more adult-oriented is being created.

Everyone can learn English with Musio. Mr. Ishiguri fell in love with the cute robot, Musio. He was very happy with our token of gratitude, a t-shirt featuring Musio and it also matches his cap that he’s wearing. He’s very thankful for the experience and kind gesture.


(T-shirts can be bought here

Many Japanese customers from overseas bought Musio and will be useful for the Olympic games in the future. To communicate better, consider learning English by all means! What I found great is that learning English with Musio, doesn’t make you worry about finding a person who might be busy to practice with you. Thank you for supporting Musio!

(Musio’s official Facebook page is here→

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