Arduino with Musio
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Being creative with Arduino and Musio

First of all, Do you know what Arduino is?
Arduino is an awesome open-source platform for building projects involving electronics. It consists of a physical circuit board, referred to a micro-controller and a piece of software called sketches. Arduino has their own IDE to code sketches and easy to compile and upload to the micro-controller via USB. One great thing about Arduino that it’s easy to use and the possibilities are endless. Sketches use a simplified version of C++, very close to C which makes it easy to learn, if you’re a beginner. (The Arduino UNO featured under this line is the most common Arduino micro-controller)

Arduino Uno

Adding Sensors…
Sensors are great for… you guessed right, to sense something… well for anything. You can sense from proximity, temperature, acceleration to really cool stuff like radioactivity and barometric pressure.

Arduino Sensors

Shields (Nope you don’t defend yourself with them… But good guess!)
Shields are pre-built circuit boards that fit on top of your Arduino to add additional capabilities to your project. This can consist of anything to control motors, connecting to the internet or a LCD screen.

Arduino Shields

Imagine what a whole collection of code, sensors and shields can do to a project… Where does Musio come in? Musio can also be hooked to Arduino projects to expand his own capabilities… or voice control your own projects via Musio’s powerful linguistics engine. Ever thought of Jarvis from Iron Man? It’s possible thanks to all this. Only your imagination is the limit, be creative and have fun! (MUSIO K GENIUS MODEL)

Check out the source below for more details on how to get started with Arduino.

What is Arduino?” (WEB). What is Arduino?. Retrieved March 9, 2016.

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